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Private clinic for sleep disorders

We help you through the day and night

Every fifth German suffers from sleep disorders: Problems falling asleep, sleeping through the night or circling thoughts can lead to complete exhaustion over time. If the sleep disturbances exist for longer than six months and three or more nights per week are impaired, this is referred to as chronic insomnia (sleep disorder). Learn more in our patient information on the topic of healthy sleep.

We need sleep to process and store the events of the day. In addition, the body and brain regenerate during the rest phase. If these phases of regeneration and processing are missing, mental and physical exhaustion increases. This can have serious consequences: The immune system and psychological resistance are weakened and a high level of suffering develops, as everyday life becomes difficult to manage due to chronic fatigue. Sleep becomes a fearful issue, which leads to the development of a vicious circle: The fear of the sleepless night intensifies the sleep disorder. If this is not treated quickly and professionally, the sleep disorders can develop into a psychological or somatic illness.

Make a non-binding appointment now with our specialist +49 9741 7540 540.

Symptoms of sleep disorders

Chronic sleep disturbance can manifest itself through a variety of symptoms, these include:

  • Daytime fatigue
  • Exhaustion
  • Depressive mood
  • Decline in performance
  • Concentration problems
  • Increased sensitivity to pain
  • Nervousness
  • Aggression

Causes of and backgrounds to sleep problems

A sleep disorder can have many causes, among the most common are:

  • Psychiatric disorders (depression, anxiety disorders, dementia, schizophrenia, PTSD)
  • Neurological diseases
  • Chronic stress
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Chronic pain
  • Medication side effects
  • Substance addictions (alcohol, medications, drugs).
 chief physician
Dr. med. Kjell R. Brolund-Spaether chief physician

“Healthy sleep is a source of rest for our psyche and body. If this falls away, we are more susceptible to mental and physical illness. We treat these consequences of sleep disorders through high-frequency individual therapy and therapy in small groups in a sustainable and individualized way.”

Holistic treatment concept for sleep disorders

At the beginning of the therapy, the causes from which the chronic sleep disorder has arisen are analyzed in detail. For this purpose, a comprehensive diagnosis is carried out. Based on the detailed diagnosis, a treatment concept is developed according to our holistic approach.

In psychotherapy, the personal trigger conditions for the chronic sleep disorder are analyzed and strategies are developed together with you. In this way, you will learn to deal with the sleep disorder itself and the stresses resulting from it. Here, cognitive-behavioral therapeutic strategies such as thought stopping to consciously interrupt thought circles and ruminations or stimulus control in dealing with negative conditioning on the subject of sleep are also worked out. In addition, there is comprehensive training on the subject of sleep hygiene. This involves habits and measures that ensure healthy sleep and counteract sleep problems. In addition, relaxation and mindfulness techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation, yoga or meditation are taught to improve the ability to relax and restore inner balance

Back to life with restful sleep

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