Our interdisciplinary team of physicians and therapists consisting of specialists, assistant physicians, psychological psychotherapists as well as body psychotherapist is additionally supplemented by occupational and physiotherapists as well as sports scientists. The round-the-clock medical presence is very important to us; it is also guaranteed at night and on weekends. In the background (on-call service), a specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy is also available around the clock. Our patients are thus cared for 24 hours a day by our medical and nursing staff.
The medical, psychiatric and psychotherapeutic management of the clinic is in the hands of Dr. med. Kjell R. Brolund-Spaether, specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy. After many years as a senior physician, he is a proven expert in guideline-based, indication-specific and yet individualized treatments for mental disorders. Innovative approaches to personalized medicine within mental disorders are of particular concern to him. Therefore, it is of utmost importance for him to always see and treat the person behind the illness in a holistic way
Each member of the LIMES team works to provide you with a familiar and restful environment in which you can find peace of mind and make a lasting recovery. We are always available to answer any questions you may have. You are also welcome to arrange a non-binding preliminary medical consultation
We look forward to your call +49 9741 7540 540.
Dr. med. Kjell Brolund-Spaether
Medical Director
“We focus on people and try to meet them where they are. That’s why we listen very carefully to what you expect from us and the therapy, and then decide on an individual basis. Together with our interdisciplinary team, we then put together a highly individualized and holistic treatment plan! Please feel free to arrange a non-binding medical consultation. My colleagues and I look forward to hearing from you.”
Dr. Rita Löw
Chief physician
“Far away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, you will learn and rediscover what strengthens you, what helps and does you good. The peace and regeneration will allow you to change your perspective and face the challenges of life. As a psychiatrist, I will support you in these wonderful changes within you and accompany you on your path to mental recovery.”
Teresa Pfeuffer
Head of Patient Management
“To accompany the patient from the decision to stay at LIMES Schlossklinik Fürstenhof until departure, to support them in the best possible way is my personal goal. Seeing patients happy at the end of their stay is the greatest joy for me.”
Albina Justus
Ward Manager
“My team and I are here for you around the clock. You can come to us at any time if you are not feeling well or something is bothering you. We will also help you with medical problems at any time. Our wish is that you feel completely safe and in good hands during your stay with us. Together, we would like to accompany you on your way back to life.”